Recent Awards
Finalist Award to
PCCS Plus Social® and SKillness® for excellence in design innovation for social impact.
Finalist Award to
PCCS Plus Social® for Injured Workers for excellence in Social Impact.
I’ve developed a positive outlook to life as a result of socialising and being around other people who’ve gone through similar experiences.
My confidence to reach out for connection and support increased. I am more social, mobile and content. My recovery is under control and I’m planning a new future.
My PCCS social worker found a path for me, I couldn’t see it before but that’s the path I’m walking now, and it’s all positive! I have hope for the future – that changes everything.
PCCS has helped reduce my pain levels, provided support and refreshed my employability. There are genuine people out there who actually do care!
Having a good listener by my side connecting me to services that I needed helped me create a better future for myself and my son.
PCCS helped reduce my anxiety and build my self-confidence. I have a sense of belonging and I’m more positive in my recovery.
“I would not have accessed the NDIS without PCCS” said Helen, whose application was previously declined. With PCCS help, Helen’s access was approved within two weeks and she now has a plan and a support coordinator to assist the implementation.
My PCCS social worker was great at encouraging me on the journey and out of isolation. Social skills are like a muscle that needs to be exercised. Experience with groups helps build that muscle.
I started to have hope and an avenue to create a different future. My wife and I are more connected, and my daughter is happy for the first time in years!”